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Ball Coupler and Receiver Instructions

Centerpoint Spacing

  • 4th Generation Orange Ball Couplers and Receivers are used for rough positioning and hold-down only. 
  • Fine positioning relies on dowel pin bores at 0.5003" diameter, spaced at 14.0000" on center.  
  • General applications utilize Orange Vise 0.4993" diameter dowel pins. Four pins are included with every vise and are also available separately.  
  • Warning: forcing a dowel pin into a precision bore may result in a permanent installation. Orange Vise 0.4993" diameter dowel pins are ground undersized to provide adequate clearance for a precision slip fit with +/-0.0005" repeatability. Using larger dowel pins can improve repeatability but is done at your own risk!
  • Tip: The 0.5003" bore diameter matches that of a standard, off-the-shelf drill bushing. 

Receiver Pocket Dimensions

Coupler Pocket Dimensions